Guidelines for display/inspection of DNB Final Theory Answer sheet


1.      Answer sheet(s) shall be shown to the candidates in DNB Final Theory examinations, only on request by the candidate himself/herself in writing as per prescribed format.


2.       The candidates seeking to inspect their theory paper answer sheet(s) shall apply to NBE in the application format (copy attached) provided by the NBE for the same along with the relevant documents as mentioned in the application format.



3.      A fee of Rs.500/-(Rupees Five hundred only) per Paper shall be charged from the candidate for which display of their answer sheet(s) is desired. Fee shall be paid in the form of a demand draft drawn in favor of National Board of Examinations, New Delhi payable at New Delhi.


4.      The candidate requesting for inspection of their answer sheet(s) must apply within 30 days of declaration of Theory result in the specialty concerned. No application in this regard will be entertained after 30 days of declaration of result.


5.      The answer sheet will be shown to the candidate only in the area designated by NBE Regional Centre at Bangalore and date of inspection by the candidate shall be decided by the Board.



6.      The candidate will have to make his/her own arrangements for transport and stay.  No TA/DA shall be given for the same.


7.      The candidate will be shown his/her answer sheet(s) in the presence of designated official(s) of NBE Regional Centre at Bangalore only.



8.      No request for change of date and venue of inspection of answer sheets will be entertained.  


9.      The candidate will be given 15 minutes per paper to see their answer sheet(s) i.e. the candidate will be given a maximum of 1 hour to view all the answer sheets of the four question papers.



10.  If noticed that any answer to a question was not evaluated or any totaling error is found, candidate may bring it immediately to the notice of the designated official of NBE. No other query regarding re-evaluation of the answer sheet(s) or pertaining to the quantum of award of marks shall be entertained.

11.  No other representative other than the candidate himself/herself shall be allowed to undertake the inspection of the answer sheet. It is explicitly clarified that owing to the sensitive nature of work undertaken at NBE office, visitors/representative accompanying the candidate shall not be allowed entry in NBE Office premises for this purpose.


12.  There will be no provision for re-evaluation or rechecking of papers. Request for re-evaluation shall not be entertained.



13.  The particulars and signature of the assessor will not be disclosed to the candidates.  The identity of the assessor will be concealed.


14.  Under any circumstances, candidates will NOT be allowed to take away their answer sheet(s) or tear / mutilate / photocopy /photograph / surrogate photography of any kind of any portion of the answer sheet or write on these answer sheets shown to them.



15.  The answer sheets shall be returned/ taken back by the designated officer after expiry of the time permitted for inspection by the candidate.


16.  A certificate to the effect of compliance of the above shall be furnished by the candidate before proceeding with the inspection.



17.  Good conduct is expected from the candidates and NBE reserves the right to take action against any candidate who violates the above mentioned guidelines.

