National Board of Examinations

New Delhi


Dated: 11th July, 2016


Subject: Online application Form for Admission to International Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery/ Surgical Oncology-2016


·   National Board of Examinations in association with Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK & Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi is offering an International Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery/ Surgical Oncology


Click here for the Online Application form-2016 

     The link shall be deactivated after 31st July 2016


1.    Details of Post Graduate Qualifications

2.    Scanned photograph (jpg/jpeg format only, not more than 100KB in size)

3.    Scanned signature (jpg/jpeg format only , not more than 80 KB in size)

4.    Details of Total experience in various surgical departments

5.    Details of Indexed publications under your name

6.    Details of Research work undertaken

7.    Details of Teaching assignments Undertaken

8.    Valid Indian Passport

9.    IELTS score sheet ( if available) 

         National Board Of Examinations

              Medical Enclave, Ansari Nagar

              Mahatma Gandhi Marg

               New Delhi 110029


‘’ International Fellowship Programme -2016(Minimal Access Surgery/            Surgical Oncology)’’ 






